Blogger Tricks

A Cbox Tutorial Page

  How to Get a Profile Picture on Cbox

1. Find the Image you want your profile to be.

It can be any image, or GIF. But for the Animal Jam Graphic Central's chat box, you must use appropriate photos for kids. For example, this is my CURRENT, or as of writing this, profile photo:

You can use basically any appropriate image. But, wait, before you paste the image link into your Link/URL box, go onto the next step.

2. Uploading to A Photo Sharing Site

You will need to upload your photo to any photo-sharing sites, examples being Imgur and TinyPic. After you complete step one, upload your image to your preferred photo-sharing site. Then, you should be able to get a direct link for your photo. Here is my current profile photo as a direct link (I used Imgur):

3. Putting the Profile Picture on the Chat Box

To have a profile picture on a Cbox chat box, this is the most important step, you need to put the profile picture on your profile to the chat box. To do this, you have to COPY the Direct Link (highlight the code with your mouse, right click, and select copy) and PASTE it into the Link/URL box, beside the Name box. Enter your message, and, BAM! You have a profile picture. Please note that you CANNOT have another link or email associated with the profile picture.


  How to have Colored Text on Cbox

1. Typing in the Command

There is a command you need to use to get colored text. You type this very command into the message box, and ONLY this command:
Then, press Enter on your keyboard or Go on the chat box. You should see a color pallet. Click the color you want, and then move onto the next step.

2. Typing the Message

You should see a weird jumble of letters and numbers similar to this:
You MUST keep it while you type at ALL TIMES to keep the colored text. Once you have your message, press Enter on your keyboard or Go on the chat box. The code of letters and numbers will stay until you clear it out of the message box. Please note that links DO NOT work while having color.


  How to Post Images on Cbox

Here is an example:

1. Getting an Image Link

You will need a LINK of an image. You can follow Step One on How To Get a Profile Picture for how to do that.

2. The Command

You MUST do this command, WITHOUT the "LINK/URL HERE!" in it:
[img]LINK/URL HERE![/img]
The "LINK/URL HERE!" is where you are going to PASTE your image link into the message. The [img] goes BEFORE the link/URL, and the [/img] goes AFTER the link/URL. You may add a message before/after the image, or your message can just be the image. But the images MUST be appropriate.


For more Cbox tips and tricks, visit the Cbox Help Center, located to the left of the Smilies link.

    1 comment:

    Howdy! Before you leave a message about this post, please review these ground rules with yourself.

    1) Follow all Animal Jam rules.
    2) No straight-out advertising your blog/social media.
    3) No spamming.
    4) No swearing (the feeling when the creator of the blog broke this rule)
    5) No making users feel uncomfortable.
    6) No chain mail.
    7) No asking for free membership or free items.

    Thank you!
