Blogger Tricks

Friday, July 8, 2016

Pet Goats

 >> Click HERE for Animal Facts Thursday <<

Hiya. I'm gonna keep this short and snappy. Here are the updates!

Pet goats have arrived! They are in the Diamond Shop, if you didn't know already.
The Monkeys Only Party is returning! Would you guys like me to do a party review on it?

Also, the Freedom Party is leaving soon, along with the freedom-themed clothing items and den items that are located in it's shops!
For the Weekly Diamond Sale (Or WDS as I call it sometimes), the Arctic Foxes are now on sale!
The rumors are true -- sloths are coming to Jamaa! But that also means that...
...The cheetahs are leaving temporarily. That cheetah looks so happy though! (Also, cheetahs are my favorite animal if you couldn't tell by now)

And, that's basically the summary of the update pages.

Ciao, and Comet On!

1 comment:

  1. This update is okay 3.5 out of 100000 I want to see the sloths SOOO CUTEEE even if their member how would they look in aj is the question RIGHT!


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