Blogger Tricks

Friday, July 22, 2016

Sloths and Princesses

*Note: Sorry for not posting yesterday -- the computer I'm usually on was broken and my dad finally fixed it yesterday, and it was like 7:00 pm EST and I had to get ready for bed!*

Hey Jammers -- it's Cosmic here! Today is Yesterday was Thursday, and that means updates! Here are today's yesterday's updates in the Jamaa Journal...

Many Jammers have bad reviews on the sloths -- but I think that they're perfect just the way they are, except I don't really like the classic boy/girl eyes on them. Here is my sloth:

It was the only outfit I could think of.... Anyways, moving on!

So, pet Hummingbirds are returning and there is a brand-new Princess Outfit! The Princess Outfit comes in 5 pieces -- the Princess Hennin (AKA the head item), the Princess Necklace, the Princess Gown, the Princess Slippers, and the Princess Tail Ribbons! In addition, the Princess Outfit has 5 colors per item, the default being pink.

Jamaalidays in July is returning for 7 days only, or a week! Also, members have the chance to adopt a pet reindeer! You can check your parties list starting on July 24th.

I keep on typing Graham "Grajam" You have a few weeks left to play Graham's Workshop and get all of the items that you want before it leaves! We may never know if Graham's Workshop will return... so save up your materials!

Also -- the player icons were released last update, but you can now have the option to show or hide the icons! I prefer them off, so I don't have to see lots of icons.

The cheetahs are now sadly traveling, and the kangaroos are just going to be returning in a few weeks! In the picture, the cheetahs look so joyful that they're traveling... I wonder why. Maybe they are tired of my cuddling? :( 

Some sloth facts! Since I'm lazy and it's already 7:00 pm EST, I need to finish this post and these facts will be for Animal Facts Thursday.

Basically pet meerkats are are the Retail Gift Card Bonus. And.. Animal Facts Thursday!

  • Sloths can sleep up to 20 hours a day.
  • Algae is able to grow on sloth's fur.
  • Sloths are conservative, nocturnal, and content.
And here are sloth photos!
And that's about it.

Ciao, and Comet On!

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