Blogger Tricks

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Fluffy, Puffy, Shoes

*Sighs* Hey there, Jammers. Again, I am  so  sorry for not posting this week, or the week before. School has gotten the best of me, and I'm afraid I have to post a little post or no post for the weekdays. <3.

Anyways, today's new item is the Fluffy Shoes in Jam Mart Clothing.

Anyways.. Catcher has no tips, I'm afraid she's out of ideas.

Hiya, Jammers. Cosmic was right, I am out of tips. Well, I'll just end off this post.. with a bit of tidbits from Cosmic's new How to -- Cosmic Style.

  • CSS looks great, in Cosmic's (and mine, Catcher's, opinion)
  •  Headers depict if people like the blog by the first view or not.
  •  Picture Window has transparent backgrounds on images!
  • First posts are like first impressions~!
  • Pages are like posts not worth being buried.
That's about it, Jammers,
Ciao, and Comet On!

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled upon your blog and I find it endearing. Can you tell me how to join this game and design my own stuff to get a chance to buy yours


Howdy! Before you leave a message about this post, please review these ground rules with yourself.

1) Follow all Animal Jam rules.
2) No straight-out advertising your blog/social media.
3) No spamming.
4) No swearing (the feeling when the creator of the blog broke this rule)
5) No making users feel uncomfortable.
6) No chain mail.
7) No asking for free membership or free items.

Thank you!
