Blogger Tricks

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Princess Dress...? + Stitched Rug + Tips with Catcher

Hey guys! Today, this post may be short because I am in sort of a rush, as I have a checklist to finish:
Number one was originally the last post, but I've finished that. This mainly deals with my giveaway, and editing. Now, let's get onto the new items. In Jam Mart Furniture..
We have.. Whoa. Whoa. This is.. Just amazing. I don't know if Animal Jam HQ thought of it, or someone submitted it in, but this. Is. Awesome. I think it was an unreleased item in Cosmic's Cosmo's Den. The good news is is that it's for everyone! Moving on..
WHAT. IS. THAT. Looks like some mutant dress! Haha, the Witch's Gown looks better than that!

Now, we have our segment for today - Tips with Catcher! Tips with Catcher are tips on a topic. Today's topic is on scamming. Here are some little tips to deal with scamming:
  • Never go to a scamming party, trust trade party, gifting party, or flash trade party.
  • Never participate in flash or trust trades.
  • Say NO to any suspicious player, even if it's your dream item.
  • Only use the Trading System, not gifting! Only gift if you'd like, but not as a trade.
  • Contact Animal Jam HQ some way about a scammer.
Well, that's it for this post! See you all soon!



  1. LOL That princess dress is kind of creepy. :P

    And I'm so honored that commenting on AJGC in on your to-do list! XD

    Also, could you perhaps add a Follower's gadget to the blog? I'd love to follow it so I can get updated whenever you post something new!


    1. Sure! Haha, I love commenting! I'm almost done with the checklist; I added and took away some stuff, as well!

    2. OHHH MYYYY GODDDDD I forget how to put the Followers gadget onto a blog >.<

    3. Your blog looks so good now! I love the cheerful + colorful design, and you chose some very nice sidebar gadgets! ^.^

      And in case you're still not sure how to add one, go to the "Other" tab when adding gadgets, and scroll all the way down on that page of gadgets. It should be there. ^.^

    4. Thank you, Panda! I've got it all set up now! :3

    5. Also..
      When I'm trying to upload a photo, it says ALL of the photos I upload are too big. Can you help me with that?


Howdy! Before you leave a message about this post, please review these ground rules with yourself.

1) Follow all Animal Jam rules.
2) No straight-out advertising your blog/social media.
3) No spamming.
4) No swearing (the feeling when the creator of the blog broke this rule)
5) No making users feel uncomfortable.
6) No chain mail.
7) No asking for free membership or free items.

Thank you!
