Blogger Tricks

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Egyptian Couch + Commission Coupons

Hey! Cosmic here, informing you of the new item, which is an Egyptian Couch!
Well, today's Sunday, and Sunday means we have another Commission Coupon! Click the link you see below to get a chance at earning an advanced edit!

Hey, welcome back! Here is today's coupon:

Yeah, it's all pink and Valentine-y, but that was because of the background I used.
Here's how to redeem:
  1. Go to the CosmicEdits Commission Page.
  2. Go to this page,  copy the link that the link brought you to, and paste it into a normal order form on the CosmicEdits Commission Page.
Well, that's about it for today's post! Comet on!
(Yeah, I reuse backgrounds, the Coupon background is the same as my signature background)


Howdy! Before you leave a message about this post, please review these ground rules with yourself.

1) Follow all Animal Jam rules.
2) No straight-out advertising your blog/social media.
3) No spamming.
4) No swearing (the feeling when the creator of the blog broke this rule)
5) No making users feel uncomfortable.
6) No chain mail.
7) No asking for free membership or free items.

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