Blogger Tricks

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Help me Think!

Hey, Comets! Here is a little announcement I need to make!

So, since I've been adding more stuff to the right sidebar, aka sidebar images, the left sidebar isn't equal with the right. If you can email me ( or comment an idea below, that would be awesome!

Well, be sure to look below this post for the Commission Coupon! It's a great deal nobody can miss!

Now, Comet On!


  1. Perhaps you could move some of the widgets from the right sidebar over to the left? Like the search bar or social media icons?

    1. I couldn't move the search bar because:
      a) My template won't appear when I adjust it
      b) If I did reset the widths, my images would be flying off the post!

      So I decided to move some stuff over.


Howdy! Before you leave a message about this post, please review these ground rules with yourself.

1) Follow all Animal Jam rules.
2) No straight-out advertising your blog/social media.
3) No spamming.
4) No swearing (the feeling when the creator of the blog broke this rule)
5) No making users feel uncomfortable.
6) No chain mail.
7) No asking for free membership or free items.

Thank you!
