Blogger Tricks

Friday, May 20, 2016

Catcher's Camera

Hello, Catcher here! Cosmic let me make a post ALL by myself so I can post about this SPECIAL occasion! If you go to the Summer Carnival, the new item is the camera! And most of you know that I use cameras to snap pictures, but sometimes, mostly all the time, Cosmic's eagle Blossom (who likes to be called Jagger) helps me, too. But she always used my iPawd (<--- get it? iPod? iPawd?) to snap photos and we uploaded them to the post.

Well, here is me in my camera!

I REALLY wish that we could put two of any item on at the same time, because my deer fur won't show (Do you know how LONG it took me to get deer fur!? I was aiming for white deer fur, which I have now, but I ended up with brown along the way. It still makes a good Catcher outfit, though! --Cosmic), and it's REALLY annoying.

Cosmic ALSO let me buy a replica of my camera, which is MY real camera, in blue. She used 1,750 of her 35,885 Carnival Tickets to purchase it. (She now has 34,135 Carnival Tickets left!)

If you want to buy a camera, in blue if you prefer, then go right ahead! Cosmic has this little fundraiser going on for a few weeks if ANYBODY wants a camera, in ANY color. She might record a sloppy and shaky video of her buying the camera, for proof she bought it. Just ask in the comments of ANY post or ask in a Wish if you want a camera.

Well, that's about it for this post!

Ciao, and Comet On! (I FINALLY got that right!)

(P.S. this is our 60th post! Whoo!)

1 comment:

  1. Ok I swear the cheetah pet on the logo winked at meXD Seriously though. The camera is a nice touch the carnival prizes this year have actually quite cool so far


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