Blogger Tricks

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Chomper Plant Hat + Wavy Bookshelf + A Special Surprise

"Hey, what's up," says the cookie on the diving board. The cookie in the pool of milk says, "You!"

Hey! Should I use a new language of saying "Hey!" each day? Because I can't come up with a lot of jokes like the one above on my own, haha.

Today's new items, rather yesterday's because we have no new items today, are the Chomper Plant Hat and the Wavy Bookshelf.

Click below the break to see the "surprise" AND Animal Facts Thursday.

Welcome back! So, if anyone checks the Daily Explorer, this was their newest post. And does anyone recognize that llama? It's Nafaria9!

Nafaria9 did her report on llamas, so that's why Animal Facts Thursday will be about llamas!

  • The llama is a South American relative of the camel, though the llama does not have a hump. 
  •  Llamas are willing pack animals but only to a point. An overloaded llama will simply refuse to move. 
  • These animals often lie down on the ground and they may spit, hiss, or even kick at their owners until their burden is lessened.
Wow, if you have a llama as a pet, you better watch it! Umm, the llama pictures on Google Images were kinda disturbing so I won't post some from Google Images? I would've gotten them from National Geographic, which is where I got the llama facts, but it wouldn't let me save the photos. Sorry about that! I'm terribly sorry. D:

Anyways, that's it for this post!

Wait, no it's not! Please don't go!

Warning! Warning! A new post will be arriving on the
Animal Jam Comet Fans!
You must not miss this opportunity to see the photos before they are on the Comet!

Now, THAT'S it for this post. Ciao and Comet On!


(P.S.  This is our 50th post!)


  1. Awesome post today! That hat looks kinda funny. Hehe! XD Also thanks for mentioning me!

    1. Haha, I love when I get to post about amazing people!


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